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Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Day 56 - Sonnet #147: personification, love, mistress, torment, infatuation

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thanks to these awesome students for their contribution to the challenge!

and here are a few other interpretations...

a rap! many suggest that Shakespeare's structure is very similar to modern day hip-hop

musical version:

My love is as a fever longing still,
For that which longer nurseth the disease,
Feeding on that which doth preserve the ill,
Th' uncertain sickly appetite to please:
My reason, the physician to my love,
Angry that his prescriptions are not kept
Hath left me, and I desperate now approve,
Desire is death, which physic did except.
Past cure I am, now reason is past care,
And frantic-mad with evermore unrest,
My thoughts and my discourse as mad men's are,
At random from the truth vainly expressed.
For I have sworn thee fair, and thought thee bright,
Who art as black as hell, as dark as night.

As always - feedback, comments and creativity are welcome!

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